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- Runner up Vice-Chancellor Collaboration Award at the University of Cambridge (12/12/2023): Hatice Gunes, Micol Spitale, Nida Itrat Abbasi, Minja Axelsson, Nikhil Churamani, “Social Robots for Assessing and Promoting Mental Well-being”
- Wiseman Award at the University of Cambridge (24/10/2023): The Wiseman Award scheme exists to acknowledge those who make a commendable contribution to the work of the Department, going above and beyond the requirements of their course or project.
- Best Paper Award in Responsible Affective Computing (12/09/2022): Jiaee Cheong, Micol Spitale, and Hatice Gunes. (2023). “It’s not Fair!” Fairness for a Small Dataset of Multi-Modal Dyadic Mental Well-being Coaching. 2023 11th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2023
- Best Doctoral Thesis in Information Technology 2022, Award “Prof. Florian Daniel” (01/07/2022): Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. Funding Amount: 500 euro
- Best Late Breaking Work Award (15/03/2022): Corrado Pacelli, Tharushi Kinkini De Silva Pallimulla Hewa Geeganage, Micol Spitale, Eleonora Beccaluva, and Franca Garzotto. 2022. “How Would You Communicate With a Robot?”: People with Neourodevelopmental Disorder’s Perspective. In Proceedings of the 2022 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI ’22). IEEE Press, 968–972
- ACM-W Award (01/03/2020): Supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing. Funding amount: 1,200 euro
- Best Paper Award (09/01/2020) Micol Spitale, Fabio Catania, Pietro Crovari, Franca Garzotto. 2020. Multi-criteria Decision Analysis and Conversational Agents for children with autism. Submitted to IEEE Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICCS) 2020. IEEE
- Best Poster Award (15/03/2019): Giulia Cosentino, Giulia Leonardi, Mirko Gelsomini, Micol Spitale, Mattia Gianotti, Franca Garzotto, and Venanzio Arquilla. 2019. GENIEL: an auto-generative intelligent interface to empower learning in a multi-sensory environment. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces: Companion (IUI ’19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 27-28. DOI: